My Trip To London Was Just So Average…

IMG_3139My trip  to London was automatically was set up for failure from the way beginning. My best friend Sarina and I are clearly traveling rookies. We arrived to the Barcelona Airport around two hours before our flight was boarding. We figured we had all this extra time, so we decided to eat at a restaurant and go shopping. Sarina and I thought the best time to finally walk towards our gate was thirty minutes right before it was about to close.. ( I know we are geniuses!!) As we begin to walk towards our gate we are stopped by airport attendants because we never got our boarding passes stamped.. Who knew this even needed to happen, but apparently if you are not a resident of Spain you need to go to the Ryan Air office and have your boarding pass stamped… So now our gate is about to close and we are running through the Barcelona Airport, with what feels like a 5 ton bag, like crazy women. I swear I never sweated and ran so much in my entire. After a brutal traveling experience, we finally arrived to our hostel in London. Just when we thought our journey could not get any worse, we realize that our hostel does not only have our three other best friends who were

The bunk where the sketchy woman lived

The bunk where the sketchy woman lived

waiting for our arrival, but also a random 40 year old women. Now this 40 year old women hated my friends and I, and we were never totally sure why.. One day we heard her complaining to her mother that she was in a room with five young girls, she was always slamming the doors after she left, and to top it all off she ended up stealing mine and Michele’s naked palette. For those of you who do not know, a Naked Palette is $50 eyeshadow palette. To top this all I spent around $600 in London, without even knowing it. Lets just say the American dollar is worth absolutely nothing in London. I think 100$ is around 63 Pounds. Every time I thought I was buying myself a cheap meal, I would convert it to american dollars and realized I spent a fortune. One meal at Burger probably cost me around $20.. On a more positive note, I did have fun on the London Eye and at  Madame Tussauds. The London Eye is this huge ferris wheel where you can see pretty much see the whole entire city of London. The views were beautiful and it was pretty cool to get to see the whole entire city of London lit up. Madame Tussauds is the wax museum in London. Got to take a lot of nice pictures with some celebrities there. My roommate Dina is also obsessed with Justin Timberlake , so it was pretty funny watching her reaction to the JT wax figurine. Here is a slideshow of my experiences in London.

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