FC Barcelona vs Getafe


Let me start off first by saying I absolutely hate sports; I think they are boring and pointless. The only time I attend sporting events is use it as an excuse to party and socialize with my friends. However, since I’m in Spain I figured I check out a futbol game. Wow, was I surprised when I saw how many people actually go to these games. What I found really weird was that alcohol is served at pretty much every place in Barcelona but at the futbol  stadium.  In America people get wasted at sporting events.  It was a cool experience to see hphotoow the two different cultures act during a sporting event. Every time Barcelona scored a goal the crowd would sing and cheer. It was refreshing to see how much pride Barcelona takes in their futbal team. Even though our seats were terrible it was still nice to be apart of a crowd the was so alive. Overall, I am glad I decided to experience a futbal game while in Spain.